Jacky H. Li is a 17-year-old aspiring full stack developer based in Boston, Massachusetts. Ever since Jacky was born, he was captivated by the constantly improving technology that surrounded him, and knew he wanted to be a part of future innovation. Consequently, he joined his school’s robotics team and computer science club. Last summer, Jacky was part of Artists For Humanity's mentorship program, where he began his journey to become a fully-independent programmer.

I am inspired by my eldest sister, a full stack developer who can make websites come to life. Although she's much older than me, when she first showed me her work in college, I was blown away. She was able to make websites interactive and captivating, and that's exactly what I want to do. I want to make websites that engage the user, aesthetically pleasing websites that make users want to stay. I want to make a website that makes hours feel like seconds interacting and exploring.